
What Is Rendering Construction?

Rendering is the application of a cement mixture to external and sometimes internal brick or concrete walls to achieve a smooth or textured finish. Rendering Perth is also called solid plastering.

The rendering process transforms the aesthetics of a building and increases its value. Rendering also protects a structure from weather elements, reducing maintenance and energy costs and improving its overall performance and durability.


Cement rendering is a common and cost-effective solution to weatherproof your walls. It can be applied to brick, concrete, and stone wall surfaces and is often painted to add colour and texture. It’s also energy-efficient and helps to keep the warmth inside your home during colder weather and cooler in summer. In addition, it provides protection from harsh weather conditions that may put your family and possessions at risk.

Cement render is made up of a combination of cement, sand, and lime in specific proportions to achieve the desired texture and strength. It’s important to follow the mix ratio and apply it evenly, removing any cracks or gaps in the surface. It’s also crucial to protect the rendered surface from rain and direct sunlight until it dries completely and cures.

This type of rendering is ideal for concrete and stone walls in harsh climates, as it protects the structure from moisture penetration and erosion. It’s also a good choice for concrete walls in bay areas because it’s non-combustible, preventing the spread of fire.

When applying a cement render, it’s best to use a professional because they know how to prepare and apply the material for maximum durability. They’ll make sure the surface is clean and dry before applying the render, and they’ll use high-quality materials to ensure it lasts. They’ll also take measures to ensure the render dries and cures properly to prevent cracking and discolouration.

There are different types of cement renders available, depending on the style you want. Some offer a smooth finish, while others have more texture. There are even some that are designed to look like a stucco finish, perfect for creating a contemporary look. It’s also possible to add colour or texture to the render by adding a tint to the cement during the mixing stage or painting it after the render has dried.

Rendering is an excellent way to enhance your home’s appearance and increase its value. It can help you keep up with the joneses, impress your in-laws, or even get the house ready for the market. However, it’s important to understand the process of rendering before you hire a contractor.

Lime render is a breathable solution, which allows the wall to breathe and helps reduce damp problems. This is especially beneficial on older properties, as damp can damage a property and lead to structural issues. The porous nature of lime render also means that it can help to reduce mould growth on a property, which is often unsightly and can lead to health issues.

Lime rendering can last for many years, and even centuries if cared for correctly. It can be a great choice for renovation projects, as it is able to add character and charm to a building, while providing excellent protection from the elements. It’s also relatively easy to apply, although if you are new to rendering we would advise seeking expert tuition and guidance to ensure the work is done correctly.

The traditional plaster or render used on the walls of vernacular buildings was typically a single layer of lime mortar, applied very thickly in the hollows and thin over the stone faces. This allowed the stones to show through and created an appearance that was both rustic and highly weatherproof. This type of render was usually covered with a lime wash, which provided further protection.

A modern version of this type of plaster can be produced by using a scratch coat (layer of mortar or plaster applied to the surface of a wall before a final finish) which is followed by a lime putty, which is then polished with a rag to produce a fine smooth texture. This can be finished with a lime wash, or if a very smooth look is required, an acrylic masonry paint.

If you choose to use a lime render, it’s important to protect the work from rain and strong sunlight during its early set. Hessian sheets can be hung over the work to prevent it drying out too quickly. Alternatively, you can use tarpaulin or polythene.

If there are any large holes, voids or pips in the surface of your render, we recommend that you ‘dub’ them out first using lime mortar and small bits of stone. This will create a solid foundation, and it’s always better to fill these gaps before applying a new render. If you don’t, the voids may become filled in by water or air and lead to future problems.

Polymer render is a form of cement rendering that has been modified with a plastic-based product to reduce the risk of cracking. It can be used to improve the appearance of a building’s exterior and comes in a range of colours. It is also resistant to moisture, making it a suitable option for homes in areas with high rainfall or those that are exposed to humidity on a regular basis.

This type of render is often used to achieve a more modern and sleek finish. It can be applied over a range of surfaces, including concrete blocks, brick walls, plaster and polystyrene. It is also a popular choice for commercial properties, as it offers superior durability and a more attractive finish than other types of rendering.

Another benefit of this type of rendering is its ability to resist rain, wind and sun. Its weather-resistant properties mean that walls treated with it will be more rigid and will not rot from water retention.

Like other forms of rendering, it is important to hire a professional when getting a polymer render job done. This is because this rendering mixture requires a different technique and application to traditional cement render. It is also recommended that the job is scheduled for a time when good weather is predicted, as wind and rain can affect the final results.

Once the render has been applied, it will need to be allowed to cure and dry properly before painting or covering it with a protective film. This can take a few days or weeks, depending on the environmental conditions. The wall should be kept protected from harsh environmental elements during this period, as exposure can cause it to flake or peel prematurely.

Render can be a great choice for both new and old buildings, and it’s an effective method of protecting a home or commercial property. However, as with any building material, it’s essential to ensure the render is correctly applied by a professional, as this will ensure a long-lasting and high-quality finish. In addition, it’s essential to keep the render clean and free of debris such as oils, tie wires, nails and steels, as these can interfere with adhesion. A specialist cleaning company can help with this, using special equipment and techniques to remove stains and blemishes from rendered walls.

Rendering a building is the process of covering its exterior walls with a cement, acrylic or other mixture. This makes the wall water-repellent, stronger and more durable, and improves its fire resistance. It can also protect bricks or other materials from long-term damage and weathering. Rendering a building also improves its appearance, as it can be applied in a wide variety of textures and colours.

Acrylic render is a type of rendering that has acrylic – a form of plastic – added to the mix to make it more durable and prevent hairline cracking. This is a relatively new product on the market and it has quickly become one of the most popular rendering methods for home improvement projects. It is easy to apply and comes in a wide range of colours, making it an excellent choice for modern homes.

To apply acrylic render, the surface needs to be clean and free of any dirt or debris. It should also be dampened to help the render adhere better to the substrate. If there are any obstructions on the building, such as pipes or vents, these should be sealed off before the application begins.

After the render is mixed thoroughly, it can be applied to the building using a float, which has a flat and smooth surface made from metal or plastic. The float is typically held at an angle and used in circular or figure-eight motions to evenly spread the render. This method of applying the render can be time-consuming, but it is essential to achieve a smooth and professional-looking finish.

Once the render has been applied, it must be allowed to dry for a few hours before any finishing or texturing is done. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying times to ensure that the render adheres properly and will not crack or peel later on.

In addition to following the recommended drying and curing times, it is also important to regularly inspect a rendered building for signs of damage. If any areas of the render are cracked or showing signs of deterioration, they should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage and avoid costly repairs. It is also a good idea to periodically treat the rendered surfaces with fungicidal or algaecidal treatments, particularly in damp and shaded areas.